Case Study 1
The only place that a customer could mount a tag required an angle of at least 45 degrees. However, their standard tag had characters that were 35-degrees per side, and this created a trap. When the tag drew off the pattern, smudged dates were a common result.
Marjo Solution
We made them new tags that have a 47-degree draft on the characters. When this new tag is pulled off, it leaves a clear, sharp impression every time.
Case Study 2
One foundry did not want to use date tags with hold-down screws to identify their castings by shift.
Marjo Solution
We created a tag with a dot under each character. This allows the client to track parts by date and shift simply by trimming off one dot after each shift.
Case Study 3
Green Sand was sticking to the bottom of one client’s sharp-faced gothic characters on their recessed date tags. This caused unreadable dates that could not be tracked.
Marjo Solution
We developed a new, shallower character with the same base size. The new character has a bold face rather than a sharp-faced gothic one. This alteration allowed the sand to completely pull off. The result? Consistently crisp characters and a greatly reduced scrap rate.